
Episode #74: How to Choose Which Words to Learn in English (Transcript)

<<Transcript for Episode #74>>


Have you ever wanted to learn more vocabulary, but when you look at all the vocabulary that there is in English—because there are millions of words—you think to yourself, ” how do I choose which words to learn?” Well, now you don’t have to wonder anymore. In this episode, I’m going to tell you how to choose which words to learn in English.

Welcome to Episode #74: How to Choose Which Words to Learn in English.

Choose the right words to learn in English
Do you know which are the right words to learn in English?

Well, hello there, y’all. My name is Ashley Rhone from the Living in English: 365 podcast and paradigmenglish.com. I focus,on my website and in this podcast,on teaching you and helping you overcome your three biggest challenges to your English, speaking, listening, and vocabulary. Last episode, I talked a little bit about vocabulary, but this one…I’m still going to be talking about vocabulary.

Uh, listen, if you’re new here, I’m so very excited that you’re here. Make sure that you like subscribe and turn on the notifications so you can get these notifications immediately and begin perfecting your English. If you haven’t already done so, listen, we want to know who you are. Come join our community of learners over at, uh, Facebook, our Facebook group, it’s called the living in English 365 podcast.

Um, it’s on Facebook. You can search it. I’ll post the link below for you. Now. Just keep some things in mind here. Um, this one will probably not be super long and, um, you’re welcome. So I want to hop right into it. First things first. This is super simple, but let me make things complicated for you so that you don’t have to.

All right. I’m just kidding. But, um, why does this matter? Like, what is the benefit? You know, that’s a brilliant question. Words matter. And if you don’t say the right one or choose the right one for what you’re trying to say or communicate well, you’re going to have miscommunication and that’s really embarrassing sometimes depending on what you’re talking about.

So you choose the words that you’re going to use the most. That’s the most important piece of advice that I can give you in this podcast. Let me say it again. Choose the words that you’re going to use the most. So learn the right words, basically. Don’t just learn anything. Just any words you see, I’m just going to learn anything.

You’re going to be overwhelmed and burnt out. English has millions of words. English is one of the top languages for having the most words, unlike languages, for example, um, I hear Hebrew only has 33,000 words. English has millions. I’m sorry, but that’s how it is. There’s a reason for that. And I’m not really going to get into it in this podcast.

If you’re really curious about it, you can just, you know, send me a message. And if people really interested, I can make another podcast episode about it, but learn the right words. Um, you know, only, you know, your goal for learning English. No, your why. I keep saying that, just do it. Just, just, just know your reason why you’re doing it when you know your, why you’re going to be able to get on the correct path.

Right? So, like I said, you shouldn’t learn all vocabulary. Even I don’t know all of the vocabulary and I’m a teacher and I’m a native speaker. So, what makes you think you will? Not all vocabulary’s useful to you personally. Like I said, you have to know what you’re trying to do if is for a job. Cool. And learn these words for your job.

Am I trying to travel? Well, you probably don’t need to learn all these words specific to your janitorial job, if you’re just traveling, um, you know, to go wherever you want to go, Canada, whatever. Okay. Not all vocabulary is useful to you and it’s not created equal. There are some tricks to learning vocabulary.

And I’ve talked about, you know, that in some earlier podcasts, but I’m like, I’m not going to talk about that in this podcast because we’re trying to focus on how to choose the vocabulary today. You know, in any language, there are only a handful of words that you’re going to hear day in and day out: every day. Learn those. Why?

Well, you’ll be able to know 75 to 90% of what is being said to you, if you do. Which means that you will be able to respond. Which means you will be less stressed. This of course goes for reading as well. Focus on learning these words. I mean, for most of you, this is going to be enough to accomplish your goals.

But again, no, what you’re trying to. Um, so yeah, just, just focus on learning those types of words. Um, these are the words that you’re going to hear the most often, so it will help you remember them because they are so frequently used are just so common. The other thing, um, I want to reiterate, okay. Is practice consistency.

So many of you are not, you know, learning the vocabulary like you could because you’re not staying consistent. You don’t need to take another class. You don’t need to watch another YouTube video. You need to practice what you already learned. Practice everyday for five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes.

Practice when you’re taking the train or the Metro /subway, uh, driving in your car to work, on your way home. Be ruthless about it, but you’re not going to remember vocabulary without doing this. Sorry. That’s not how the brain works. It’s just not how the brain works. It needs that consistency. Okay. So that’s really all I had for you.

Those little, um, tips there. I was just like one big tip. So just a couple of takeaways. Be consistent in what you’re doing. Know which words you need to learn because you chose a goal, right? That’s what we’re focusing on today. Focus on those that were, that you’re going to hear the most often, those frequently commonly used words that you hear every day in everyday daily conversations in English.

If you need some more help with this, or you want to make sure that you are reaching your fluency goals. Hey guess what fluency academy is going to be opening back up for enrollment towards the end of the month. And next month, it’s going to last a couple, uh, actually several weeks there, but at any rate it’s going to be opening and I’ll post the link there so you can get signed up on the, um, wait list. We’re not going to have a super long enrollment, but you know, you can put your name there. Um, I’ll review it. I’ll get back with you and I’ll have a really good community in the meantime, speaking of community, make sure that you join our Facebook group. You know, my Spotify group is like exploding, but I don’t see all of your faces in my, uh, Facebook group.

So. Get on over there. I’m really excited to see you. Um, I’m thinking of doing, you know, this speaking challenge. What do you think about it? It’s a pretty short thing. You know, it’s going to increase your fluency. It’s going to increase your competence and you’re going to be able to practice. Remember, I just talked about the vocabulary words.

All right. So I’m Ashley Rhone from paradigmenglish.com. I’m super excited you’re here. Make sure that you like and subscribe. Subscribe and share. I’ll catch you next time. Bye for now.

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